
[:en]Do you believe that there is a kind of plant, which is wonderful, no matter what style of space, her existence will not violate? At least in the many casual dining spaces we designed, we will throw this stuff into the action chart.

Ficus Lyrata
This is the lycopene, a small seedling is a small potted plant on the table, and the adult plant is a magical plant of a big tree. The most gratifying thing is that she is very well taken care of, and the requirements for soil, moisture and sunlight are not harsh. Yes, it is a good thing that a lazy person can never get started.

The most important thing is that the price of the piano leaf is not too high, and the price of a 1.7 meter high is more than one hundred dollars. The piano leaves in my office are placed by the window. The sunshine time is only 2 hours, and it is still partial light. For more than 3 months, it still grows very well.

Ficus Lyrata
Ficus Lyrata planting environment Ficus Lyrata loves enough light environment, too weak light is not conducive to plant growth, but to prevent intense direct sunlight in the summer, otherwise the leaves will lose their luster and even burn the leaves, winter can properly add light. The lobster can grow very well under bright scattered light, and it is best to withstand about 4 hours of light per day.

Temperature, the most suitable temperature for the leaves is 25 ° C -35 ° C, its cold resistance is relatively weak, it is best to keep above 5 ° C in winter, so that it can ensure safe winter.

Humidity, the temperature requirements of the piano leaf are not very strict, just keep it above 60%.

Sprinkle water, Ficus Lyrata loves the humid environment, the water requirements are relatively large, follow the principle of seeing dry and wet, and the basin soil is completely dry and then sprinkled, the water will be poured through. In spring and summer, the amount of water required is large. To keep the soil moist, but do not pour too much water when it is in a low temperature environment for a long time, otherwise it will easily lead to the death of the plant.

Fertilization, Ficus Lyrata just planted, the amount of fertilizer required is not very large, can be diluted with flowers 20-20-20 diluted 1000 times for irrigation, after the plant grows, the leaves are very large, the amount of fertilizer will be added, so In the first half or two of the growing season, liquid fertilizer is applied to ensure its healthy growth, and in winter, fertilization is generally stopped.[:zh]導讀:在市場上大型盆栽植物其實也是不少見的,比方:發財樹、蘇鐵、大綠蘿等等,可是妳發現沒有,在居家裝修中它們反道很少被利用,更多的是被裝修在辦公室和商業場所。或許是因為大型室內綠植不行精美,才讓它們漸漸的被忽視吧!可是今天要給我們介紹壹種高逼格的綠植——琴葉榕!
琴葉榕,又名:琴葉橡皮樹(Ficus pandurata Hance ),桑科、榕屬植物,因葉先端膨大呈提琴形狀而得名。喜溫暖、濕潤和陽光充足環境,成長適溫為25℃至35℃,1 5℃左右休眠,5℃以上可安全越冬。 所以我們在養護琴葉榕時,盡量將其放在室內光照充足的地方。琴葉榕不耐寒,北方不能室外過冬,室內溫度不宜低於5攝氏度,想入手的小夥伴必定要註意啦。