
[:en]Pocket coconut (scientific name chamaedorea elegans) is also known as dwarf coconut, pocket brown, and short brown. Palmaceae palm genus, also known as dwarf coconut, is native to Mexico and Guatemala. The pocket coconut is an evergreen shrub with a pot height generally no more than 1 meter. Its stems are erect, unbranched, dark green, with irregular markings. The leaves are usually born on the top of the branches, pinnately lobed, lobes lanceolate, alternate, dark green, shiny. It is 14~22 cm long and 2~3 cm wide. The bases of the two top leaves are often fishtail-shaped, the green leaves are green, the old leaves are dark green, and the surface is shiny, such as wax products. The inflorescences are axillary, yellow flowers, small globose, dioecious, male inflorescences slightly erect, female inflorescences slightly sag when nutrient conditions are good, paddle orange yellow. Flowering spring. The leaves are flat and the adult plants are umbrella-shaped.
Pocket Coconut
First, the application of pocket coconut in the home

Purifying air: It can purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air together. It is a “high-efficiency air purifier” in plants. It is very suitable for indoor or newly renovated living rooms.

Beautify the living room: The pocket coconut plant is small and exquisite, the plant shape is beautiful, the posture is elegant, the leaf color is green and bright, and the resistance is negative. It is an excellent indoor small and medium-sized potted foliage plant. The leaves are flat, the age-old plants are like umbrellas, they are dignified, the ancients are beautiful, the leaves are free and easy, and the jade is bright and bright, giving people a sense of authenticity and vitality. Small plants should be planted in small pots, and the table tops and countertops should be placed on the table. It is also advisable to suspend the interior and decorate the space. It is available in halls, conference rooms, waiting rooms, etc., and it is popular in the world for the beautification of important foliage plants in the interior.
Pocket Coconut
Second, the method of farming a pocket coconut
1. Soil: The compact coconut cultivation substrate is excellent in drainage, moist and fertile loam. When potted, it can be made from humus soil and peat soil plus 1/4 river sand and a small amount of base fertilizer.

2, sprinkling water: sprinkle water to the wet and dry do not dry as the criteria, the potting soil often adhere to the wet. When the air is monotonous in summer and autumn, it is necessary to spray water to the plants to improve the air humidity of the environment, which is beneficial to its growth. Together with the dark green and luster of the leaves, it is suitable to reduce the amount of water in winter to facilitate wintering.

3, the sun: pocket coconuts are half-yin conditions, high temperature seasons avoid direct sunlight. Under the scorching sun, its leaf color will become pale or yellow, and it will cause focal leaves and dark spots, and lose appreciation value.

4, temperature: pocket coconut growth temperature is 20-30 ° C, 13 ° C into dormancy, winter temperature is 10 ° C.

5, on the fertilizer: the fertilizer requirements are not high, generally 1-2 times a month to apply liquid fertilizer in the growing season, slightly late in the fall and winter or not fat.

6, insect pests: pocket coconut under high temperature and high humidity, easy to attack the brown spot disease, can be used 800-1000 times of thiophanate or carbendazim. In the case of monotonic air and poor ventilation, it is easy to attack the scale insects, which can be scraped off by hand. It can also be sprayed with 800-1000 times of omethoate.
Pocket Coconut
Well, the introduction about how to cultivate a pocket coconut is here. I hope that the above introduction will help you to improve the decision to raise a small coconut tree. The pocket coconut type is free and easy to release, and has a combination of appreciation. It is especially suitable for placing in the living room and for improving the quality of the living room.[:zh]袖珍椰子(學名chamaedorea elegans)又名矮生椰子、袖珍棕、矮棕。棕櫚科袖珍椰子屬,又名矮生椰子等,原產於墨西哥和危地馬拉。



美化居室:袖珍椰子植株小巧玲瓏,株形優美,姿勢秀雅,葉色濃綠亮光,耐陰性強,是優良的室內中小型盆栽觀葉植物。葉片平展,成齡株如傘形,正經凝重,古拙雋秀,葉片灑脫,玉潤晶亮,給人以真摯質樸,生機盎然之感。 小株宜用小盆栽植,置案頭桌面、臺上珍品,亦宜懸吊室內,裝修空間。在株可供廳堂、會議室、候機室等處擺設,為美化室內的重要觀葉植物,已風靡世界各地。

2、灑水:灑水以寧濕勿幹為準則,盆土常常堅持濕潤即可。夏秋季空氣單調時,要常常向植株噴水 ,以進步環境的空氣濕度,這樣有利其成長,壹同可堅持葉面深綠且有光澤;冬天適當削減灑水量,以利於越冬。




