Brazilian iron trees should be selected from sandy loam to ensure smooth drainage. It can be placed on a sunny balcony, but not exposed to the sun for a long time. The suitable growth temperature is between 20-30 °C, and the wintering temperature can’t be lower than 5 °C. Keep the soil moist, do not accumulate water, and use top dressing appropriately.
Brazilian iron tree breeding methods and precautions
1. During the storage and transportation of Brazilian iron trees, the optimum temperature is 16~18°C, the relative humidity is 80{bf}~90{bf}, and it can withstand 15 natural in dark environment, and the temperature is lower than 8°C. Plants are susceptible to freezing damage during storage and transportation. Low air humidity can cause severe necrosis of leaf margin tissue.
2. Strong summer light can cause yellowish leaves or burnt leaves. Care should be taken to shield the light and provide a brighter scattered light. Although it is also resistant to negative, the environment of the shade can also darken the color of the leaves, especially the variegated leaves, and the spots on the surface of the leaves are easy to disappear, reducing the ornamental value.
3. During the growing season, the soil in the basin should remain moist. Excessive watering and poor drainage can easily lead to root rot. If the soil in the basin is too dry, it will not grow well. In order to increase the humidity of the air, Xia Chunqiu should always spray water on the leaves, stems and the surrounding ground in three seasons. When the air is too dry, the new leaves tend to curl, or even partially dry, resulting in poor blade stretching in the future.
In general, farming a Brazilian iron tree is not difficult, but everyone should remember to take care of it patiently and water it for fertilization so that it grows better.[:zh]巴西鐵樹應選擇砂壤土,以確保排水順暢 它可以放在有陽光的陽臺上,但不能長時間暴露在烈日下。 適宜的生長溫度在20-30℃之間,越冬溫度不能低於5℃ 保持盆土濕潤,不要積水,並適當使用追肥。
1、巴西鐵樹在貯藏和運輸過程中,最佳溫度為16~18℃,相對濕度為80{bf}~90{bf},在黑暗環境中可耐受15天 然而,溫度低於8℃的植物在儲存和運輸過程中容易受到凍害。空氣濕度低會導致葉緣組織嚴重壞死。
3、在生長期,盆地裏的土壤應該保持濕潤。過度澆水和排水不良很容易導致根部腐爛。 如果盆地裏的土壤太幹,它就不會長得好。 為了增加空氣的濕度,夏春秋應該在三個季節經常向葉子、莖幹和周圍的地面噴水。 當空氣太幹燥時,新葉容易卷曲,甚至部分幹燥,導致將來葉片伸展不佳。