[:en]The locust leaf is a genus of the genus Moraceae, which is 2 meters high. Leaves papery, viola-like or obovate, glabrous, abaxially pubescent and sessate, stipulate lanceolate, succulose sessate, sately sately sately sateately sate sate sate sate sessate Spherical, style lateral, stigma funnel-shaped from June to August
Suitable reason
This plant has a beautiful shape and leaves are green and vibrant. When exposed to the sun, it is even more green, and it shows a radiance. This plant is placed in the bedroom. Every morning when I woke up and opened my eyes, I became very beautiful for the first time.
In addition, the plant does not release any toxic substances. Instead, it also absorbs formaldehyde from the air. It can be said that it “likes to sit under the leaves of the piano when awake, and sleep under the leaves of the piano after dinner.” Thinking and living like poetry is very enjoyable. So you can safely put it in the bedroom.
Not suitable
Things always have good faces and bad faces, and this sentence is also very suitable for Qin Ye. Although the above is said to be suitable, if the space is small, it is not recommended to put the plant. If you insist on putting it in, you must choose a plant with a smaller plant type. Because plants need to breathe at night, some plants will deprive us of our air during sleep. This is not a good thing.
In fact, the plants in the bedroom have the above problems in addition to the harmful smell. However, my favorite friend can move the plants to the bedroom during the day and move to the living room at night.[:zh]琴葉榕是桑科,榕屬的壹種小灌木,高2米。葉紙質,中提琴狀或倒卵形,表面無毛,背面脈疏生毛和凹陷,托葉披針形,榕樹果單葉腋,鮮紅色,基部苞片卵形,雄花托葉,花被線形,子房近球形,花柱側面,柱頭漏鬥狀 從六月到八月開花。
琴葉榕這種植物形狀美麗,葉子綠色而有活力。暴露在陽光下後,它甚至更加充滿綠色,同時它會顯示出壹點光澤。 這種植物被放在臥室裏。每天早上當我醒來睜開眼睛時,我將第壹次變得非常美麗。
此外,這種植物不釋放任何有毒物質。相反,它也能吸收空氣中的甲醛。可以說,它“醒著時喜歡坐在琴葉榕下,飯後睡在琴葉榕下”。像詩壹樣思考和生活是非常愉快的。 所以妳可以安全地把它放在臥室裏。
事物總是有好的壹面和壞的壹面,這句話也非常適用於琴葉榕。雖然上面說這種植物是合適的,但是如果空間小,不建議放這種植物。如果妳堅持要把它放進去,妳必須選擇株型較小的植物。 因為植物在晚上也需要呼吸,大壹些的植物會在睡眠中剝奪我們的空氣,這不是壹件好事。