[:en]Snake Plant is a sorghum culture that we often see and often raise in our daily lives. So what is better than Snake Plant orchid? What do you need to pay attention to during the cultivation process? The cultivation of 皋Bilan is mainly divided into five aspects: soil, watering, temperature, light, and fertilizer. Let’s take a look at what is the breeding method of Debbie.
First, the soil: the cultivation soil of the Snake Plant must first be permeable to water, this is a big rule. Then you can round the soil to match the soil. There are many ways to match the soil. Each species can make the Snake Plant grow very well. Let’s talk about the soil, according to the sand: garden soil: organic soil = 4:3:3 ratio configuration. The soil allocation method is not important, and the soil allocation guidelines are the focus. However, the flower friends should pay attention to the use of a large proportion of soil with coconut cocoa to achieve breathable water seepage, but this material is too good water, simple rotten root. Although it can be used, it does not advocate a large proportion of applications. The specification of rapid water seepage: When the water is poured down, the bottom of the basin starts to flow in ten seconds.
Second, sprinkling water: For the novice, it is the most difficult to sprinkle water. The reason why Debbie’s death is more than half is because the sprinkling water is not properly hanged. Many people ask, is it a few days to sprinkle water? Some say three or five days, some say ten days, some say that months, and even some say that there is no need to sprinkle water in winter. At this time, the flower friends are confused. Who are you listening to? I want to say that they are right and that they are not right. why? Because their respective environments are different, one in Hainan, one in Inner Mongolia, one in Xinjiang, if the sprinkling time is the same, it is strange. Besides, the respective soils are not the same. If it is pure garden and the soil is pure sand, of course it is different. If the northern part of the area is above 20 degrees in the north, it can be sprinkled for ten days, and the deep basin extends for five days. Twenty degrees to the humidity between the time to be small water, the frequency can be poured according to the above, but the amount of water can only be the above three-point; below 10 degrees to stop sprinkling; below five degrees is difficult to live It is. Of course, when we sprinkle water, we must also see if the soil is dry. The humidity in the south is different from the boring environment in the north. We can dig up the margins of the pots and see if they are all dry, so don’t copy them.
Third, the temperature: temperature causes Debbie’s death only after the sprinkling, so the temperature is also very important. Of course, the temperature and sprinkler contact is also the most strict, talk about how to deal with the temperature in the temperature section. In the 30th degree or more, the frequency of watering should be increased. The frequency of the deep basin should be kept in the dark at this time according to the actual situation. In the case of 20 degrees or more and 30 degrees or less, it can be sprinkled for seven to ten days, and the deep basin extends for five days. At this time, the dragonfly grows fastest, and should follow the fertilizer. Between 20 and 10 degrees, the frequency of small water should be poured according to the above, but the amount of water can only be the upper third of the above; if the temperature is below 10 degrees, the water will be suspended, and the fertilizer will be suspended; I will pray for the gods below, and basically go to see God. If you are straight to raise more than 20 degrees, occasionally a few days to stop heating to reach below 5 degrees will also be frostbite.
Fourth, the light: Dylan is resistant to yin, but it is still the same as most plants. Of course, in the summer, it is impossible to be exposed to direct sunlight. The southern cities such as Guangzhou cannot be exposed to direct sunlight in the late spring and early autumn. In other seasons, the sun can be properly sun-baked, and other seasons are placed in areas with astigmatism.
5. Fertilizer: Although Bibilan can grow up in the thin soil, many flower friends think that Debbie does not like fat. But I asked us a haiku, is it only to keep him alive? I don’t want to make him grow green and green every year. Therefore, it is still demanding fertilizer, but it must not be excessive. You can use green leaf treasure, Taomi water, and master fertilizer. This is just a selection of masters, so don’t choose. The frequency of the fertilizer is 20 degrees or more and 20 days. The thin fertilizer should be applied diligently. Do not overdo it, otherwise it will hang the ball.
Other matters needing attention
Flowerpots: Flowerpots are of course the best in purple sand, but they are more expensive. Others can also be able to adapt to the vitality of the garden. The root system of Snake Plant is relatively short, like a dozen centimeters, so if you use the deep basin to try to pad things, I recommend ceramsite, brick, slag and so on. Don’t believe that Baidu pad foam, the foam is easy to heat after summer watering (may also be the cause of foam) lead to root burning.
Floor heating: Most of the northern areas have floor heating. If the floor heating is very hot, the basin is very small. In this case, there is something to be placed under the winter basin. If it is not too hot, it will be too bad. This is what some friends say that soil, water, temperature, and light are all done.
Water spray: Debbie loves a humid and humid environment. This is a very important haiku. Then many flower friends often use watering cans to spray water. Then, after a while, the leaves will appear necrotic or white spots. Later, I learned that this was originally called a wet disease, often caused by water spray. We must pay attention to this, but it is also possible to spray water properly. It cannot be ruined.
Ventilation: Like the chopped plants, Debbie also prefers frequent ventilation, and ventilation can reduce many conditions. We still try to ventilate as much as possible when the temperature meets the conditions.[:zh][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]虎尾蘭是咱們日常生活很常常看到和都很常常會養的壹栽培物。那麽怎麼才好栽培?栽培進程需求留意些什麽呢?飼養主要分為五大方面配土、灑水、溫度、光照、上肥等。那下面咱們來看看飼養辦法是什麽吧。